2000-01-01 | Créations, 2001 à 2005, Littérature des Souverains

Dare to dream

« 2000' the year Will i make good..? With gods help Dare to dream »

Baby's firts cry
Walked the green mile
From the death springs life
her warm smile
dare to dream

Give up the battle
To win the war
I am not my actions
I will fight no more
Dare to dream

The incarnation complete
A new star in the sky
Turn a new life
The love in her eye rewarded
Dare to dream

Dare to dream
Dreams no one can see
Change my life
It has to be
Dare to dream

A new beginnig
My fear churns
Where is she
My heart yearns

A new age
Blossoms like a flower
Chapter 38
This is my hr

2000' the year
Will i make good..?
With gods help
Dare to dream

Kris Cronk
janvier 2000

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